Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why yes, I AM rather bad at regular posting, why do you ask?

I've finally realized that I hadn't gotten the settings correct for the blog, so from now on I'll (theoretically) be receiving emails when someone posts a comment to an entry. That way I can actually engage in discussion, be polite and respond to people's kind comments, etc.

As a small update to a previous entry here, the parents of the baby sent us a lovely card with a picture of the baby and a brief update. After months of medication and seeing neurologists, she has been weaned from medication and "cleared" as a normal little girl. She is meeting or exceeding all of her developmental milestones.

I LOVE to hear about NICU graduates. Even when the updates are on babies that predate my employment at my facility, I still love to hear how they are doing, their triumphs, their concerns, and the parents' memories of their time in the NICU.

I am approaching the completion of my second year as a NICU nurse. I can remember the names of each of my long-term primaries/associates. The ones I only cared for a few times before they were discharged or transferred to step down or a home hospital I'm a bit fuzzier on, but when I looked at our "Holiday Card/Update" bulletin board during the holidays, I found that names, faces, and stories did come back to me.

I wonder how well my memory will work in 3 years or more. Will I still be able to remember to details?

To veer off the contemplative path, I received my tax refund the other day. Most of it is already spent, going towards a breastfeeding conference coming up in a few months. The rest is earmarked for some new scrubs and a new pair of shoes. Ah well, it was nice while it lasted.

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