Sunday, December 16, 2007

A near miss, a close call, and the inevitable...

Last night (night of snow/sleet/ice storm) I was almost sent out on a transport call, I was very nearly mandated to return to work for the 11a-3p portion of a sick call's shift (my schedule would have been: a 12 hour shift, four hours off, four hours mandated work, four hours off, and another 12 hour shift), and a was pooped on.

Lovely night. I hear the weather was fun too. It took me 30-35 minutes to make a normally 20 minute drive. Not terrible, certainly, and I took it smooth and slow.

And I got to watch an idiot pass me 'cause he wanted to go faster than my cautious crawl, and proceed to skid out of control into a snowbank. Niiiice.

And I'm back for more tonight.


Cathy said...

Hi Neonurse, this is a nice blog you have here...:)

NeoNurse said...

Thanks! It's a bit sparse, I'll admit... :-p