Thursday, May 3, 2007

In search of CEUs, a nurse's grand quest

Ah, conferences. The chance to get a kick start on CEUs, an adequate dinner, and hopefully go home with something new to think about, and perhaps incorporate into nursing practice.

Why kick off the blog with a post about a conference, instead of sharing a funny story about a NICU graduate, or a heart-wrenching remembrance of a lost patient? There will be plenty of time for that later, and, as new as I am, there's likely to be many more to come.

For now, there's a little bit about me. I like to learn. Perhaps it's the nursing student in me fighting to be rereleased, or the graduate in me that can't let go of school habits and "grow up". I like learning new things, having interests piqued, having thoughts supported or challenged, and having new information presented to me. I dislike stagnation, or perhaps it's just the stagnation I'm sensing in myself.

At the very least, I'm hoping this blog will provide me with a little insight into my experiences, thoughts, and feelings as pertains to my "nursing self". Maybe after writing something down, I can walk away for a few hours, then return with a new view and see aspects of care or personalities I hadn't had the clarity to see before. Perhaps new ideas will pop up, or at the very least new dedication to my craft. And sometimes I may need to vent, or cry, or laugh, or express the vastness of my disbelief, just for the feeling of "freedom" that will result.

Those in the NICU, nursing, or healthcare in general know: sometimes, ya just need to get it out.

And so, a conference. Perinatal emergencies. Yetone more example of times when, as a nurse only 1 year out of school, I can get a better realization of how much I don't know. Hopefully more on this later.

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