Friday, July 25, 2008


I love this. Kangaroo Care for a new mom and her 35ish weeker that started with some priceless bonding time and progressed to the baby waking up from a nice sleep, wriggling around until he found the breast, latching on, and breastfeeding for the very first time. Mom's expression of happiness was priceless. Little dude did well, too.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Little Encouragement

One of my premature patients has this sign at her bedside, placed there lovingly by her parents. They are wonderful and have a great sense of humor to help them tackle the many challenges associated with having a premie.

This has been one of the times that I've never met the parents in person. They visit frequently during the daytime, and I'm a night shifter, so it's been phone contact only. I still feel as though I've had the chance to form a better "working relationship" with them via phone than I have with some other families I've worked with for multiple days and hours of face-to-face contact.

Is it personality? Readiness to connect? Sense of shared history with a baby (some of my best family contacts have been with families of babies I've done the delivery room or transport on - maybe it's that "first contact" bond?).